[Math] Show that {∨, ¬} is adequate.


So, I've been thinking lately on how to show that set {$\lor, \lnot$} is adequate.
I've came across few ideas on how I'd have to build my proof, albeit I am not fairly sure how to process nor if my thoughts are good.

First, I thought I could rely on the fact that for every formula $\psi$, there is equivalent formula $\omega$ in DNF. That'd would give me adequate set of S = {$\land, \lnot, \lor$}. Then, I'd have to show, I can construct $\land$ connective out of B = {$\lor, \lnot$} set. How, however, do I prove, that if I can build connectives of adequate set S, using only set B connectives, then set B is adequate?

Another idea was to use structural induction to show set {$\lor, \lnot$} is adequate, for this, however, I am not certain how to build both base as well as induction step.

Best Answer

Say that an $n$-place Boolean function $G$ is realized by a wff $\alpha$ whose atomic sentence symbols are $A_1,...,A_n$ if $G(X_1,...,X_n)$ is equal to the truth value of $\alpha$ when $A_1,...,A_n$ are given the truth values $X_1,...,X_n$ respectively.

The key to answering your question is the following result.

Theorem. Every $n$-place Boolean function $G$ is realized by some $\alpha$.

Proof. If $G$ is constantly false then $A_1 \wedge \neg A_1$ realizes $G$. Otherwise, suppose there are $k$ points at which $G$ is true: $$X_1 = (X_{11},...,X_{1n}),...,X_k=(X_{k1},...,X_{kn}).$$

Now let $\beta_{ij}$ be $A_j$ or $\neg A_j$ according as $X_{ij}$ is true or false. Let $\gamma_i = \beta_{i1} \wedge ... \wedge \beta_{in}$ and let $\alpha = \gamma_1 \vee ... \vee \gamma_k$. Now check that $\alpha$ realizes $G$ (I leave this to you as an instructive exercise). QED

Remark. Notice that $\alpha$ in the foregoing proof is in DNF. From this observation and the theorem just proved, we see that $\{\vee, \wedge, \neg \}$ is adequate.

Finally, we have

Theorem. The set $\{\vee, \neg \}$ is adequate.

Proof. Let $\alpha$ be a wff using only connectives in $\{\vee, \wedge, \neg \}$. We can show by induction on $\alpha$ that there is a tautologically equivalent wff $\alpha '$ using only connectives in $\{\vee, \neg \}$. And from this it follows that $\{ \vee, \neg \}$ is adequate, since if $\alpha$ realizes $G$ and $\alpha \equiv \alpha '$, then $\alpha '$ realizes $G$ too.

The base case in which $\alpha$ is an atomic sentence symbol is trivial (let $\alpha '$ be $\alpha$).

For the inductive step, first suppose $\alpha$ is $\neg \beta$. Then let $\alpha '$ be $\neg \beta '$.

Second, suppose $\alpha$ is $\beta \wedge \gamma$. Then let $\alpha '$ be $\neg(\neg \beta ' \vee \neg \gamma ')$. It's easy to check that $\alpha \equiv \alpha '$. QED

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