[Math] Show: Quotient space is homeomorphic to unit sphere


An equivalence relation on $\mathbb{R}$ is given by
x\sim y\Leftrightarrow x-y\in\mathbb{Z}.
Show that the quotient space $(\mathbb{R}/{\sim},\tau_1)$ is homeomorphic to $(S^1,\tau_2)$, where $\tau_1$ is the quotient topology and $\tau_2$ the induced topology.

I have to find a bijective continuous function
f\colon \mathbb{R}/{\sim}\to S^1
with $f^{-1}$ continuous.

Do you have an idea how to find such a function?

Best Answer

Let $S^1=\{z\in\mathbb{C}\mid|z|=1\}$. This is a common definition for $S^1$ but may not be the one you've been given.

Let $f\colon\mathbb{R}/{\sim}\rightarrow S^1$ be given by $f([t])=e^{2\pi it}$.

Can you show that this is well defined? (That is, show that if $t_1\in[t]_{\sim}$ and $t_2\in[t]_{\sim}$ then $e^{2\pi it_1}=e^{2\pi it_2}$).

Can you show that this is a homeomorphism?

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