[Math] Show fixed point iteration does not converge to a given point

banach-fixed-pointfixed-point iterationfixed-point-theorems

I was given this question. No idea how to show this.
Can this be done by substituting initial guesses or in more theoretical way ?

Consider the fixed point iteration $x_{n+1} = g(x_n)$ where $g(x) = \tan^{−1}
(2x)$. Clearly, $x = 0$
is a fixed point of $g(x)$. Show that fixed point iteration will not converge to this fixed

Best Answer


$$g (x)=\arctan (2x) $$ $$g'(x)=\frac {2}{1+4x^2} $$

check that near $0$,


To use Newton's method, replace $g (x) $ by $$G (x)=x-\frac {x-g (x)}{1-g'(x)} $$

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