Probability – Show a Stochastic Process is a Martingale Using Ito’s Lemma


Let $W_t$ be standard Brownian motion. It is well known that $W_t^2-t$ is a martingale. One way to show this is by applying Ito's lemma to calculate that $d(W_t^2-t)/dt = 2W_t dW_t$, which has no drift. Therefore $W_t^2-t$ is a martingale. I am a novice in stochastic process so I want to ask which theorems one use in this proof?

Best Answer

From Itô's lemma you have :

$Y_t=W_t^2 - t= \int_0^t W_sdW_s$

So what you have here is that $Y_t$ is a local martingale. To prove that it is indeed a martingale it suffices to show that :

$\forall t>0, E[\langle Y\rangle_t]<\infty$

as you can check in lemma 3 which is not too hard I think.

Best regards

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