[Math] Should I throw the dice again if I have rolled 4


My math skills are very basic so it might be a stupid question, I had a discussion with my brother in law and now we have a 'math problem'.
We were playing a game with dices and he threw 4. The challenge was to throw the highest number, you can stop or throw again once, you cant see what the opponent has thrown, you both reveal after finishing. He said if you have 4 you have a 50% change the next time to throw the same or higher.

(4,5,6) vs (1,2,3)

and should throw again.

But I said that I won't throw again on 4 because you already threw 4 and you are not likely to throw 4, 2 times in a row and therefore I would stop at 4. Am I right or is he and do you have a 50 % chance on throwing 4 or higher again?

Game rules

  • You throw a normal dice 1/6
  • You can choose to throw again or keep the current value
  • Your opponent cant see your value, you cant see his.
  • The one with the highest value wins.

Short version:

If I threw 4, how big is the chance I throw 4 or more the next time I throw the dice, and should i take that chance?.


Average of 1 dice is 3.5, if i throw 4 im above Average and am more likely to throw below average next time.

Best Answer

The chance of rolling a four or higher on your next roll is independent of your original roll. The fact you just rolled a four doesn't make it any less likely to roll one again. So your chance of rolling a four or higher is indeed 1/2, since you have three ways of rolling a four or higher and six total outcomes. 3/6=1/2.

So to answer your full question, if you roll again, you have a 1/2 chance of doing the same or better. However your chance of doing the same or worse is the number of ways to roll a four or lower (4), divided by the total outcomes (6). 4/6=2/3 is about 67%, so it would not be better to roll again. You are right to not roll again because you odds of rolling higher or the same are worse than your odds of rolling lower or the same.

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