[Math] shortest distance between two vectors


Whilst working on vectors I have come across a lot of problems like this. I am able to work it out for the shortest distance from a vector to a point, but not from a vector to a vector. Here is my usual method for a question asking the shortest distance from a vector (passing through $A$ and $B$) to a point $C$:
Where $O$ is the origin. We know that the equation for a line passing through $A$ and $B$ is:
we also know that at the closest distance a line from $C$ to $\vec{r}$ is perpendicular to $\vec{r}$.
I would now define:
so the distance from $\vec{r}$ to $C$ is:
now find the point at which $\frac{dl}{d\mu}=0$ solving for $\mu$ and subbing into the equation.

However, I am aware that there are much easier methods for find the point $N$ and the shortest distance $|\vec{NC}|$ involving the fact that $\vec{r}\bullet\vec{NC}=0$ or potentially cross product as well. Does anyone have a tutorial for this method? Also, how would I solve this same problem but finding the minimum distance between two vectors?

Best Answer

For problems like this one you don't need derivatives.

enter image description here

Suppose that you know the coordinates of points $A(x_A, y_A, z_A)$, $B(x_B, y_B, z_B)$ and components of vectors $\vec a=(a_x,a_y,a_z)$, $\vec b=(b_x,b_y,b_z)$. The shortest distance between lines is represented with segment $CD$ and that segment is prependicular both to $\vec a$ and $\vec b$.

Now you have:

$$AC=\mu \vec a$$

$$BD=\lambda \vec b$$

$$\vec {CD} \bot \vec a \implies \vec{CD}\cdot \vec a=0$$

$$\vec {CD} \bot \vec b \implies \vec{CD}\cdot \vec b=0$$

...or, in scalar form:

$$x_C-x_A=\lambda a_x$$

$$y_C-y_A=\lambda a_y$$

$$z_C-z_A=\lambda a_z$$

$$x_D-x_B=\mu b_x$$

$$y_D-y_B=\mu b_y$$

$$z_D-z_B=\mu b_z$$



You have 8 linear equations and 8 unknowns: $x_C, y_C, z_C, x_D, y_D, z_D, \lambda, \mu$:

  • From the first three equations express $x_C, y_C, z_C$ in terms of $\lambda$.
  • From the next three equations express $x_D, y_D, z_D$ in terms of $\mu$.
  • Replace all that into the last two equations and you have a system of two equations with two unknowns $(\lambda,\mu)$.
  • Solve, find coordinates of points $C,D$
  • Calculate distance CD.