[Math] Shifting an arrow representing given vector and it’s uniqueness


My question is quite similar to the one I have already found at Math Stack, i.e. Why shift the result of subtracting vectors?. As one of the answers explains, a vector is uniquely determined by it's length and orientation, so we can shift the arrow that represents it any way we want and still refer to the same vector.

However, I'm still missing something here. If the representation of a vector is not unique, then how for example interpret the equation of a line
\vec{r}(t) = \vec{a} + t\vec{v},
where $\vec{v}=(a,b,c)$ is some direction vector and $\vec{a}=\vec{OP}$ ($P=(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ is a given point). If for a fixed $t=t_0$ we have $\vec{r}(t_0) = \vec{a} + t_0\vec{v}$ I can clearly see the vector addition and that the endpoint of $\vec{r}(t_0)$ determines a point on the line. But if I will take $\vec{r}(t_0)$ and shift it to some other point in $\mathbb{R}^3$, the endpoint will be moved as well (but the vector will be the same in the sense of the previous definition). In fact, by shifting $\vec{r}(t_0)$ I can produce arbitrary point as an endpoint of it, which is clearly absurd.

I am clearly missing something here and none of my textbooks explains this (perhaps obvious) situation.

Best Answer

Another way to look at the situation is as follows.

We can make Cartesian coordinates for a three-dimensional Euclidean space by choosing an $x$ axis, a $y$ axis, and a $z$ axis, which define a coordinate system on this space. The point where the three axes intersect is the origin of this coordinate system and is given the name $(0,0,0)$ in the coordinate system. Each point $p$ in space, which is defined by its position in the space, has some coordinates $(p_x,p_y,p_z)$ in the coordinate system.

We can also define a three-dimensional vector space in which each vector $v$ is described by three coordinates $(v_x,v_y,v_z).$ A vector in this vector space doesn't really have a "position" in the sense that we think of the point $p$ in the Euclidean space as having a position, but the vector does have a length and a direction.

Because either a point or a vector can be described by three coordinates, it is convenient to write equations involving objects of three coordinates that are alternatively interpreted either as coordinates of points or coordinates of vectors. Hence in $$ \vec{r}(t) = \vec{a} + t\vec{v}, $$ we start with the three coordinates of a point $a$ through which the desired line passes and treat them as coordinates of a vector $\vec a.$ We take the three coordinates of a vector $\vec v$ parallel to the desired line, and add some multiple of this vector to $\vec a.$ The result is a vector $\vec{r}(t),$ whose three coordinates we interpret as the coordinates of a point $r(t)$ on the line.

In order to make sense out of this, we might use the concept of position vectors. The position vector of a point $p$ is the vector $\vec p$ equal to the distance and direction from the origin of coordinates to $p.$ Constructed this way, the vector $\vec p$ always has the same coordinates in the vector space as the point $p$ has in the Euclidean space, so it's easy to swap a vector for a point or a point for a vector in calculations.

We may even stop representing points as separate objects and talk only about their position vectors. This is often what is meant by the equation $\vec{r}(t) = \vec{a} + t\vec{v},$ where $\vec{r}(t)$ is a position vector of a point on the line and that is simply how we identify that point.