Algebraic Geometry – Sheaf Hom and the Adjunction of Push Forward and Inverse Image


I'm trying to show that the tensor product of sheaves commutes with inverse image. I've reduced the problem to the following isomorphism

$$f_*\mathscr{H}om_X(f^*\mathcal{N},\mathcal{P}) \cong \mathscr{H}om_Y(\mathcal{N},f_*\mathcal{P})$$

where $ f:X\rightarrow Y$ is a morphism of ringed spaces, $\mathcal{N}$ is a $\mathcal{O}_Y$ module, and $\mathcal{P} $ is a $ \mathcal{O}_X$ module.

I'm trying to prove this via the adjunction of $f^* $ and $f_ *$, but I'm unable to. Can someone guide me through the steps involved in constructing this isomorphism?

Best Answer

$\def\HH{{\mathcal{H}om}}\def\Hom{{\operatorname{Hom}}}\def\N{{\mathcal N}}\def\P{{\mathcal P}}$This comes from checking the natural isomorphism from adjunction on each open set and using naturality to see it induces a morphism of sheaves not just sets.

Explicitly, take an open set $U \subset Y$. Then

$$ f_*\HH_X(f^*\N,\P)(U) = \Hom_{f^{-1}(U)}\left(f^*\N|_{f^{-1}(U)},\P|_{f^{-1}(U)}\right) \enspace \enspace \enspace (*) $$

but $f^*\N|_{f^{-1}(U)} = \left(f|_{f^{-1}(U)}\right)^*\N|_U$. Then by the adjunction, (*) is naturally isomorphic to

$$ \Hom_U\left(\N|_U, f_*\P|_U\right) = \HH_Y(\N,f_*\P)(U). $$

Naturality of this isomorphism tells us that this map commutes with the restrictions and so it is a map of sheaves and so we get an isomorphism.