[Math] Setting Up an Integral to Find A Cone’s Surface Area


I tried proving the formula presented here by integrating the circumferences of cross-sections of a right circular cone:
$$\int_{0}^{h}2\pi sdt, \qquad\qquad s = \frac{r}{h}t$$
$$\int_{0}^{h}2\pi \frac{r}{h}tdt.$$
Integrating it got me $\pi h r$, which can't be right because $h$ isn't the slant height. So adding up the areas of differential-width circular strips doesn't add up to the lateral surface area of a cone?

EDIT: I now realize that the integral works if I set the upper limit to the slant height – this works if I think of "unwrapping" the cone and forming a portion of a circle. The question still remains though: why won't the original integral work? Won't the value of the sum of the cylinders' areas reach the area of the cone as the number of partitions approaches infinity?

Best Answer

You seem to be ignoring the fact that s and r vary as the segment you consider varies. By using the same variable names it appears that you are confusing them to be constants...

Anyway, for a derivation, look at the following figure:

alt text

This is a cross-section of the cone.

The area of the strip of width $\displaystyle dh$ that corresponds to $\displaystyle h$ (from the apex) is $\displaystyle 2\pi r \frac{dh}{\cos x}$

Now $\displaystyle r = h \tan x$

Thus $\displaystyle dA = 2 \pi h \frac{\tan x}{\cos x} dh$

Thus the total area

$$= \int_{0}^{H} 2 \pi h \frac{\tan x}{\cos x} dh = \pi H^2 \frac{\tan x}{\cos x} = \pi (H \tan x) \left(\frac{H}{\cos x}\right) = \pi R S$$

Hope that helps.

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