[Math] Set theory notation, commas


$$A = \{\{b^2+2k: k\in\mathbb Z\}: b\in\mathbb N, b < 3\}\cap M$$
Is that correct? I'm trying to say that the set $A$ is equal to the intersection of set $M$ and the set of all numbers which are of the form $b^2+2k$ where $k$ is any integer and $b$ is any positive integer which is greater than $3$. If not how would I write this?

Thanks đŸ™‚

Best Answer

You have a few errors in that. Try (and yes, comma instead of $\land$ is not uncommon) $$A=\{b^2+2k: k\in\mathbb Z, b\in\mathbb N, b>3\}\cap M $$