[Math] Set notation: How to express union of a set with a single element


Given any simple set $S$, for example $S \subset \mathbb R$, I want to "add" a single element $x$ to $S$. It doesn't matter whether $x$ is already in $S$, so the union is the right operation to use.

I first expressed this action as follows, but then wondered if that is correct.
$$x \cup S$$

Seeing that the symbol $\cup$ denotes the unit of two sets, and that $x$ is not a set but just an element, e.g. just a number, would it be better to write the following?
$$\{x\} \cup S$$

Or, doesn't it matter and both notations are used?

Best Answer

Just to summarize the comments, the proper notation would be $ \{x\} \cup S,$ since $x \cup S$ implies that $x$ is just a notation for some set that could possibly contain multiple elements.

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