[Math] Set Addition vs. Set Union


Given two sets $A$ and $B$, what is the difference between $A + B$ and $A \cup B$? For example, if $A = \left\{ a, b, c \right\}$ and $B = \left\{ d, e, f \right\}$, what are $A + B$ and $A \cup B$, respectively?

Best Answer

Usually $A+B$ is called the Minkowski sum and denotes the set of sums of an element of $A$ and an element of $B$. $A \cup B$ means the union with the common elements removed.


$$\{1,2\} +\{1,2,4\} = \{ 1+1,1+2, 1+4 , 2+1, 2+2, 2+4 \} =\{2,3,4,5,6 \}$$ $$\{1,2\} \cup \{1,4,5\} = \{1,2,4,5 \}$$

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