Normed Spaces – Series in Incomplete Normed Space


We have known that "A normed space $X$ is a Banach space if and only if each absolutely convergent series in X converges". We would like to find an explicitly incomplete normed space and an explicitly series in that space such that the given series is absolutely convergent but not convergent.

Best Answer

This seems to me to be a relatively simple example:

$X=$ set of all real sequences with finite support (i.e., there are only finitely many non-zero elements)

$\|x\|=\sup\limits_{n\in\mathbb N} |x_n|$

Consider the sequence $a_n=(0,\dots,0,\frac1{n^2},0,0,\dots)$ and the series $\sum a_n$ in $X$.

This series is absolutely convergent, since $\sum \|a_n\|= \sum\frac1{n^2}$.

It cannot be convergent in $X$. Take any sequence $x$ with finite support. This means that there is $n_0$ such that $x_n=0$ for each $n\ge n_0$. If $s_n=\sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_k$ denotes the $n$-th partial sum, we have $$\|s_n-x\| \ge \frac1{n_0^2}$$ for each $n\ge n_0$. So w have $\|s_n-x\|\not\to0$ and $s_n\not\to x$.

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