[Math] Series approximation for Pi up to n decimal places.


I have the following series which gives me Pi.

Pi series

I need to figure out how many terms of the series I need to be accurate (with respect to Pi) up to 4 decimals.

I also need a formula to figure out how many terms of the series I will need to be accurate to n decimal places of accuracy. If I can find this formula, I should be able to answer the above question easily.

I believe I should be using the error bounds to determine this.

Error bounds equation

However, I don't understand exactly how this will tell me how many terms I need to be accurate to n decimals of Pi.

For example, how many terms would I need to be accurate to 100 decimal places using the equations above?

Best Answer

This is an alternating series and hence the first term omitted gives a valid boud for the error. Unfortunately, this implies that you should use $\approx\frac{10^k-1}2$ summands for $k$ decimals. Also note that your series converges to $\frac\pi4$, not $\pi$.