[Math] Separable first-order linear equation and absolute value removal

absolute valueordinary differential equations

We can use the integral of $\frac{1}{x}$ in order to solve a separable first-order linear equation like this:

$\frac{dy}{dt} + f(t) y = 0$

ln |y| = \left(-\int f(t)\,dt\right) + C

and then:

$y = \pm e^{\left(-\int f(t)\,dt\right) + C} = \pm e^{C} e^{-\int f(t)\,dt}$

As far as I know, we are able to remove the absolute value because $y=0$ it's a solution, and, thanks to Cauchy theorem, no solution of the ode may change its sign.

I'm okay with this, the problem is that I found some exercise on my textbook where the absolute value is removed, even if $y=0$ is not a constant solution of the ODE:

x' = \frac{3x-2}{t^2+1}

$ \frac{1}{3} log|3x-2| = arctan(t) + c$

$ 3x – 2 = ce^{3arctan (t)}$ where $ c \neq 0$

Why it was possible to remove the absolute value here? Why $3x-2$ doesn't change its sign?

Best Answer

Indeed, if you want write it as $\ln(3x-2)$, you must consider the region $I: x\neq 2/3$ instead. Unless, the term $\ln(3x-2)$ doesn't make sense at all. I think, if the writer didn't noted the right region as $I$, or take a positive sign as you noted, probably he assumed the right region before or he wanted to take one 1-parameter of solutions. For example, in OE $$yy'=(y+1)^2$$ by solving we get $$\frac{1}{y+1}+\ln|y+1|=x+c$$ we just need to indicate $y\neq-1$.

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