Logic – Sentences in First Order Logic for Graphs

first-order-logicgraph theorylogic

I am trying to write first-order sentences about graphs. We can use relation $E(x,y)$ which means that there exist directed edge $x\to y$. Moreover, we can use only $3$ variables, but we can arbitraly requantify each of them.

I show my trial, but I am not sure about corectness of them. Moreover, I can't write formula for particular cases.

(1) Graph is finite directed cycle.
$\left(\forall_x\forall_y E(x,y)\to\neg E(y,x)\right)\wedge (\forall_x\forall_y\forall_z E(x,y) \wedge E(x,z)\to y=z)\wedge (\forall_x\exists_y E(x,y)) $. Of course it should be ok only for cycles with at least $3$ edges.
(2) Graph is directed cycle with exactly $3n$ edges.
I think that length of this formula depends on $n$. So, first of all as above – conditions for directed cycle. However, I don't know how to force exactly $3n$ edges.

Can you check my answers and help me with my wrong/empty reasoning ?

Best Answer

Finite directed cycle

Your attempt is wrong. In short, your attempt is "$\forall x,y\ ( E(x,y) \to \neg E(y,x) ) \land \forall x\ \exists! y\ ( E(x,y) )$", which asserts "for every (directed) edge there is no backward edge, and for every vertex there is a unique outgoing edge". The second part does force the graph to have an infinite chain, because it ensures that you can keep stepping to the (unique) next vertex. But nothing forces that chain to loop back on itself.

Have you considered that it is impossible? If not, you may want to think about it before looking below.

Finite X

In general, even if one uses infinitely many sentences, one cannot force the structure to be finite if one must accept arbitrarily large instances and there is no global constraint, roughly speaking. In the case of graphs, all you can express are local constraints, namely the edges. So if there is a set $S$ of axioms that are satisfied by only cycles of all finite sizes, then you can construct a separate set $T$ of sentences, one for each natural $k$ that asserts "there is a chain with at least $k$ distinct vertices". Then there is a structure that satisfies any finite subset of $S \cup T$ (prove it yourself), and hence by compactness there is a structure that satisfies $S \cup T$. But any such structure must be a finite cycle (by definition of $S$) and hence cannot satisfy $T$; contradiction. Therefore such $S$ does not exist.

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