[Math] Sentence vs proposition


I'm reflecting upon the distinction between a sentence and a proposition in logic and philosophy. I knew that a proposition is the meaning of a declarative sentence (i.e. the abstract content of a declarative sentence, the bearer of truth-value), whereas a sentence is simply a group of words (symbols, signs) ordered according to some grammatical rule in any natural or artificial language. A sentence isn't necessarily meaningful.

According to these definitions, you could say hat a predicate like "is interesting" is a sentence. Of course a sentence like "is interesting" wouldn't express a proposition, but still, it would be a sentence. This seemed ok to me until I remembered that propositional logic is sometimes called sentential logic. But then you cannot say that "is interesting" is a sentence, because it certainly isn't a sentence in the sense of sentential logic! As a result, I'm getting confused about what a sentence is according to sentential logic.

Can someone help?

Best Answer

We need some conventions on the terminology.

A sentence

is a meaningful group of words that express a statement, question, exclamation, request, command or suggestion.

A declarative sentence (stament, assertion) is a sentence stating a fact, like: "The rose is red".

In logic, there are declarative sentences and not e.g. questions or commands.

Unfortunately, we call the propositional calculus also sentential logic.

Thus, in propositional calculus we can replace a sentential variable $p_i$ with the declarative sentence: "The rose is red" and not with the question: "Which is the color of the rose?"

In propositional calculus, sentence and proposition are interchangeable, while in philosophical discourse, a proposition is usually an extra-linguistic entity: the content expressed by, the meaning of, the reference of a linguistc entity (a declarative sentence).

In predicate logic we have formulas with free variables (called open formulas), like: "$x$ is red".

The free variable acts as a pronoun; when we assert "it is red", the meaning of the assertion is disambiguated contextually: according to the context, "it" may stand for the book on the table, the car, the pen, and the truth value of the assertion may change accordingly.

In logic, we have to assign a denotation to the free variable $x$ (through e.g. a variable assigment fucntion) in order that the formula has a meaning (and a truth value).

In predicate logic, a formula without free variables (or closed formula), like "the rose in my hand is red" or "all the roses are red", is called a sentence.

Thus, in conclusion, either in propositional logic or in predicate one, a sentence is always meaningful, and it has always a definite truth value.

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