[Math] semi ellipsoid and cylinder parametrize the curve


the curve of intersection of the semi ellipsoid $x^2 + y^2 +4z^2 = 4, y >=0 $ (i.e. the half of the ellipsoid with positive y coordinates), and the cylinder $ x^2 + z^2 =1 $.
Consider the polar angle in the xz-plane with the positive z axis (see figure). Use this coordinate as the parameter to parametrize the curve with the counterclockwise direction looking into the y axis. Sketch the curve (hint: simplify the expression for y(t) so that it is given by only one

figure :http://i.imgur.com/m1uENAg.jpg

How do I solve this? Solution if possible.

Best Answer

Plug $z=\cos t, x=\sin t$ into the first equation: $$\sin^2t+y^2+4\cos^2t=4$$ We get $y^2=3-3\cos^2t=3\sin^2t$, since $y>0$, $y=\sqrt{3}|\sin t|$.