[Math] Self-adjoint operator has non-empty spectrum.


I am trying to prove, that a self-adjoint (maybe unbounded) operator has a non-empty spectrum. So far I have argued, that if $\sigma(T)$ would be empty, $T^{-1}$ would be a bounded self-adjoint operator. I now want to show, that $\sigma(T^{-1}) = \{0\}$.
Then, because norm and spectralradius are equal for bounded operators it follows $T^{-1}=0$, a contradiction.

For the bold part I have tried the following: For $\lambda \neq 0$ I have to calculate the inverse of $\lambda Id – T^{-1}$ and show that it is bounded. Unfortunately, this appears to be quite difficult. Does someone know how to do this?


Best Answer

Assume $T$ has empty spectrum. Then $T$ is invertible, $T^{-1}$ is a bounded selfadjoint operator and, for $\lambda \ne 0$, $$ (T^{-1}-\lambda I) =(I-\lambda T)T^{-1}=\lambda(\frac{1}{\lambda}I-T)T^{-1} $$ has bounded inverse $$ \frac{1}{\lambda}T\left(\frac{1}{\lambda}I-T\right)^{-1} $$ So $\sigma(T^{-1})=\{0\}$ because only $\lambda=0$ can be in the spectrum, and it cannot be empty. But that implies $T^{-1}=0$, which is a contradiction.

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