Combinatorics – Selecting Objects Arranged in a Circle by Counting


I'm trying to understand the following solution (based on

Problem: What is the number of ways of selecting $k$ objects from $n$, which are arrayed in a circle and are not consecutive? (A different solution is at Choose K items from N in a circle)

Given Solution: There are $n$ choices for the first object selected. Next, we must select the remaining $\color{green}{k – 1}$ objects. In addition, to prevent consecutiveness, we must select the $\color{brown}{k}$ objects which lie between the $\color{green}{k – 1}$ objects.

Therefore, the number of objects UNaccounted for $:= U = (n – 1) – (\color{green}{k – 1} + \color{brown}{k}) = n – 2k$. We can only place these $U$ objects in between the selected $\color{brown}{k}$ objects, so the number of possible positions for these $U$ objects is $\color{brown}{k}$.

Therefore, the number of ways to select these $U$ positions = $\left( \begin{matrix}
{ k – 1 + U} \\
{U} \\
\end{matrix} \right)$. (Rest of soln omitted).

I don't understand this last sentence. I understand that we are choosing $U$ objects, but how are we choosing from $(k – 1 + U)$? Where did this number come from?

As a recourse to the general case, I appealed to the simpler case where $n = 8$ and $k = 3$. Then $U$ = 2 and the number of ways to select these $U$ positions = $\left( \begin{matrix}
{ 4} \\
{2} \\
\end{matrix} \right)$. But I can't see where 4 comes from either (We need to place U1 and U2 so I understand why we're choosing 2.). Here's my picture, where green denotes the $\color{green}k$ selected objects and black denotes the objects unaccounted for:

enter image description here

In response to Prof Scott's post, I thought to add that the bars in the stars-and-bars analogy aren't actually the $\color{brown}{\text{brown separators}}$ drew above. The bars, which I draw in pink below, actually separate the intervals between the $\color{brown}{\text{brown separators}}$. Pictorially: enter image description here

Best Answer

It’s just a stars-and-bars calculation. You have $\color{brown}k$ separators arranged in a circle, so they define $k$ gaps between neighboring separators. You have $U$ objects to place arbitrarily in those $k$ gaps. This can be done in


ways. The justification for this result in the linked article is reasonably clear, but I’ll sketch it here. Break the circle at the first separator and stretch it out into a line. Then the $U$ objects and the remaining $k-1$ separators form a string of $U+k-1$ objects, and the distribution of the $U$ objects is determined by their places in that string (or by the places of the $k-1$ separators); $(1)$ gives the number of ways to choose those places.