[Math] Selecting groups of items: How many ways can we divide n students into groups of two


I have a question very similar to the post in the link below.

But, what do we do when we are given a variable for the total number of students, not a constant number?

Here is the modified version of the question.
"There are n students in a class. In how many ways can the teacher select groups of two to work on an exercise."

Problem : Permutation and Combination : In how many ways can we divide 12 students in groups of fours.

Best Answer

There are many approaches to an answer. Note that the job cannot be done if $n$ is odd. So let $n$ be even, say $n=2m$.

For concreteness, let $n=10$.

Line up the students in increasing order of student number. The first person in the list can choose her study partner in $9$ ways. For every such choice, the so far unpartnered student with smallest student number can choose her study partner in $7$ ways.

For every such choice, the so far unpartnered student with smallest student number can choose her study partner in $5$ ways. For every such choice, the so far unpartnered student with smallest student number can choose her study partner in $3$ ways. That gives a total of $(9)(7)(5)(3)$ ways.

The answer looks a little nicer if we write instead $(9)(7)(5)(3)(1)$. Maybe to make things look even nicer, we can multiply top, and missing bottom, by $(10)(8)(6)(4)(2)$. We get $$\frac{10!}{(10)(8)(6)(4)(2)},\quad\text{which is} \frac{10!}{2^5 \cdot 5!}.$$

Now that we have gone through the reasoning got $n=10$, the general case is straightforward. Suppose there are $2m$ students.

The student with lowest student number can choose her partner in $2m-1$ ways. For every such way, the so far unpartnered student with lowest student number can choose her partner in $2m-3$ ways. And then the so far unpartnered student with lowest student number can choose her partner in $2m-5$ ways, and so on, for a total of $$(2m-1)(2m-3)(2m-5)\cdots(3)(1).$$ The same manipulation as before gives the more compact expression $$\frac{(2m)!}{2^m \cdot m!}.$$

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