[Math] Segment area for a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle


Could you please tell me that:

  1. can a regular hexagon with a side length x can be inscribed inside a circle of a radius x?

  2. If 1. is true, then I want to find out the area of the segment for a sector in the diagram below. Is the formula given below correct?

$A=\dfrac{\pi\times x^2\times 60^{\circ}}{360^{\circ}}-\dfrac{1}{2}\times x^2\times \sin(60^{\circ})$

the yellow area is the segment I am talking about

Best Answer

It's correct, except it's simple to calculate if the angle measures are in radians: the sought area is the difference between the area of the circular sector with central angle $\pi/3$, which is equal to $\frac12x\cdot x\frac\pi3$, and the area of the equilateral triangle with side $x$, which is $\;\frac 12x\cdot x\cos\frac\pi6$ (each of these formulæ, is half the product of the height $x$ by the length of the base), whence $$A=\frac12x^2\Bigl(\frac\pi 3-\cos\frac\pi6\Bigr)=\frac12x^2\Bigl(\frac\pi 3-\sin\frac\pi3\Bigr).$$