[Math] Second Order Non-Linear Differential Equation – AirDrag

ordinary differential equations

I came across a second order non-linear DE. The equation is $m\ddot x$+$(c\dot x)^2$+$kx$=g.

I have no idea where to start to solve this DE, can this even be solved analytically or if I have to approximate it with numerical methods. If so what methods do I have to use?

I tried to solve it for a half-hour and could only rearrange the equation and try a substitution which didn't help. Any help is appreciated

Best Answer

One can express $t$ as a function of $x$, function defined by an integral (no simpler closed form).

There is no closed form for the inverse function $x(t)$.

On practical viewpoint, better use a numerical method for solving.

enter image description here

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