[Math] Second order differential equation for acceleration


Can you help me understand and solve this question:

A bullet is fired vertically upwards with an initial velocity of $u$. Form a second order differential equation for acceleration and by integrating twice find an equation for the displacement $s$ traveled by the bullet in terms of time $t$ from firing.

I cannot wrap my head around this. I haven't done any work, don't know even how to start. All I know is that $v(t)=u-gt$, where
$v(t)$ is the velocity at time $t$, $u$ is the initial velocity and $-g$ is the earth acceleration. From this it follows that when $t = 0$ the velocity $v(t)$ will be equal to the initial velocity $u$; and at a certain point of time, the velocity $v(t)$ will be equal to zero. Do I need to differentiate the $v(t)=u-gt$ equation to get to the equation for the acceleration? And then integrate the acceleration equation twice? I am not even sure that $v(t)=u-gt$ is the right velocity equation.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

Suppose that our vertical axis is directed upwards. The second Newton's law tells us that $$m\ddot y=F.$$ The gravity law (again, thanks to Newton) will say in our case that $F=-mg$, which leads usto the differential equation $$\ddot y=-g.$$ Suppose also that the initial coordinate of your bullet is $y_0$ and initial velocity is $\dot y(0)=v_0$. The total problem (this is a so-called Cauchy problem) writes $$\begin{cases} \ddot y=-g\\ \dot y(0)=v_0\\ y(0)=y_0 \end{cases}$$

We can integrate the differential equation: $$\int_0^t \ddot y(s)ds= -\int_0^t g\,ds,$$ which gives us (again, Newton's formula) $$\dot y(t)-\dot y(0)=-gt,$$ or, in other words, $$v(t) = \dot y(t) = v_0-gt.$$ Now we can integrate the aabove expression once again:

$$\int_0^t \dot y(s)ds =\int_0^t (v_0-gs)ds,$$which gives $$y(t)-y(0)=v_0t - gt^2/2,$$ Therefore the displacement $D=v_0t - gt^2/2$ and the general formula of movement $$y(t) = y_0+v_0t-gt^2/2.$$

If you still have questions, ask in comments.

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