[Math] Seating arrangement probabilites


Suppose that n people are seated in a random manner in a row of n theater seats. What is the probability that 2 particular people A and B will be seated next to each other?

So I think that the number of possible combinations would be : $n^n$ but I am not sure about the second part, with A and B sitting next to each other. I need some help about how to get started thinking about this problem

Best Answer

Sasha has given the standard answer. Here is a different approach using the fact that each arrangement is equally likely, but which avoids factorials or conjoined people.

Seat A first. Then the probability that B is seated immediately on A's right is $\dfrac1{n-1}$ (since there are $n-1$ people who are not A) multiplied by the probability there is in fact a seat to A's right $\dfrac{n-1}{n}$ (since if A sits on the far right there is no seat to the right), which is $\dfrac{1}{n}.$

Similarly the probability that B is seated immediately on A's left is $\dfrac1{n}$. So the probability they are sitting together is $\dfrac2{n}$.

If the people were sitting at a round table, it should be obvious the answer would be $\frac2{n-1}$ when $n \gt 2$.