[Math] Scaling property of Fourier series and Fourier Transform

fourier analysisfourier series

This question about the intuition behind the scaling property of the Fourier transform made me wonder about the corresponding notion for a Fourier series.

The Fourier transform of $f(ax)$ is $\frac{1}{|a|} \mathcal{F(\frac{u}{a})}$. If $a>1$ then the graph of $f(ax)$ is $f$ compressed and so its Fourier transform has frequencies that are higher. However they are scaled down in magnitude.

On the other hand take $f(x)= \cos x$. Its fourier series is trivially itself, with the coefficient of $\cos x$ being $1$. Scaling it to $f(ax) = \cos ax$ where $a>1$ is an integer still has a trivial fourier series, and the coefficient of $\cos ax$ is $1$. This is unlike the Fourier transform where the "coefficients" of each frequency get scaled as the formula shows: $\frac{1}{|a|} \mathcal{F(\frac{u}{a})}$.

Is there a conceptual way to explain this discrepancy?

Best Answer

Let $a\neq 0$. For a function $f$ define $m_af$ by $(m_af)(x) = f(ax)$. Then the scale factor that appears in a Fourier transform of $m_af$ is directly related to the norm of $m_a$ since $$||m_af||_2 = ||m_a||\cdot ||f||_2$$ and a Fourier transform on $\mathbb{R}$ or $S^1$ is (up to a normalization factor) unitary. Now on $\mathbb{R}$ we have $||m_a|| = |a|^{-\frac{1}{2}}$ while on $S^1$ (and $a \in \mathbb{N_{>0}}$) $||m_a||=1$.

As an amusing aside, if you take the Fourier transform of $\cos$ as a tempered distribution then $$\mathcal{F}(m_a\cos) = \tfrac{1}{2|a|}(m_{a^{-1}}\delta_1 + m_{a^{-1}}\delta_{-1})= \tfrac{1}{2|a|}(|a|\delta_a + |a|\delta_{-a}) = \tfrac{1}{2}(\delta_a + \delta_{-a})$$ by the transformation property of the Dirac distribution as noted in a comment. So in this case there is a factor $|a|^{-1}$ as usual although it is not directly visible.

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