[Math] Sample Space of a Geometric Distribution

probability distributionsprobability theorystatistics

Let's say I have an experiment where I repeatedly toss a coin; each toss is independent. I would like to define a random variable $X: \omega \rightarrow R$. $X$ is the number of failures before the first success. I would like to visualize the sample space of this experiment, but I'm having trouble. Is the sample space an infinite set containing potentially infinitely long sequences?

Best Answer

There are always infinitely many valid ways to choose the sample space. Here are four natural ones:

  1. The set of all infinite sequences of $T$ and $H$. The function $X$ gives the number of $T$s at the beginning of the sequence. In particular, $X(T,T,T,\dots)=\infty$.

  2. The set of all infinite sequences, except for the all tails sequence. Now, $X$ is a finite number for all inputs.

  3. The set of all finite sequences whose last entry is $H$ and whose other entries are all $T$. Here, we are taking examples $1$ or $2$ and ignoring some information.

  4. The set of nonnegative integers. $X$ is the identity function. The probability measure is $P(\{n\})=(1-p)^{n}p$, where $p$ is the probability of heads. This is the same as example $3$, with the correspondence $T^nH\longleftrightarrow n$.

It does not matter whether we include the all tails sequence because the probability of it is zero. You can remove any probability zero event from a sample space without changing anything.

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