[Math] Sample size from Standard deviation and population proportion


Obtained a sample size from standard deviation and another sample size from proportion, which one should I use if I need to be mindful not to propose a more costly study than necessary?

$n = 74$ (from standard deviation) and $n = 358$ (from proportion)

such that $37\%$ is the population proportion
the standard deviation of annual income in this population is around $22000$.
$95\%$ confidence interval $\pm0.05$ for the proportion with a post-secondary credential $95\%$ confidence interval with width no more than $\$5,000$ for the average income in the population.

Best Answer

I think you may be trying to find the sample size necessary to achieve a certain margin of error in a confidence interval of the type

$$\text{Parameter Estimate} \pm \text{Margin of Error}.$$

(1) Suppose you are going to have $n$ observations from a normal population with unknown population mean $\mu$ and known population standard deviation $\sigma_0.$ Then a 95% confidence interval (CI) is

$$\bar X \pm 1.96 \sigma_0/\sqrt{n},$$

where $\bar X$ is the sample mean and $1.96 \sigma_0/\sqrt{n}$ is the margin of error. If you want to have a specific margin of error $E$ in your CI, then you set $E = 1.96 \sigma_0/\sqrt{n}.$ Everything but $n$ is known. Solve for $n$ and you know how many observations to take.

(2) Suppose you are doing a poll to see how popular Caidate X is in the weeks before an election. Then you want to estimate the population proportion $p$ in favor on Candidate X. You will estimate this is $\hat p = X/n$, where $X$ is the number of interviewed people currently favoring Candidate X, and $n$ is the number of people interviewed. Then a 95% CI for $p$ takes the form $$\hat p \pm 1.96\sqrt{\hat p (1 - \hat p)/n}.$$

Here the margin of error is $1.96 \sqrt{p(1-p)/n}$, but you don't know $p$. So, for planning purposes you might use $p = 1/2$ and set your desired margin of error $$E = 1.96 \sqrt{p(1-p)/n} = 1.96\sqrt{.5(1-.5)/n} \approx 1/\sqrt{n}.$$ Then you can solve for $n$ and you will know how many subjects to interview.

Undoubtedly, you will get different answers for $n$ depending on whether you use the formula in (1) or the formula in (2). And there are other kinds of formulas for other kinds of problems.

So before you try to find $n$ for a particular experiment or survey, you have to make sure you are thinking about the correct kind of statistical analysis and have the correct formula for $E$ in order to get a meaningful value of $n$.

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