[Math] $S_4/V_4$ isomorphic to $S_3$ – Understanding Attached Tables


I think I see $ S_4/V_4 \cong S_3 $ from the first table beneath marked in the green. I just ignore $ V_4 $ and think of it as mapped away by the bijection $ f^{-1} $ where $ f(s) = s V_4 \iff f^{-1}(\sigma V_4) = s \in S_3 $ But why do they compute only $\{S_3\}V_4 $? By definition, $ S_4/V_4 = \{sV_4 : s \in S_4\} $. Where are the rest of the elements in $ S_4/V_4 $ like $(2, 1, 3, 4)V_4, (2, 1, 4, 3)V_4, (2, 3, 1, 4)V_4 $ etc…?

I don't see "The rows are the cosets of $V_4 $ in $S_4$." Can someone show me this please? For instance, the third row of the table marked in the blue consists of $(1, 4, 3, 2), (1, 3, 2, 4) \notin V_4 $.

I can't see $ S_4/V_4 \cong S_3 $ from the second table. Can someone explain it please? Thank you.


Best Answer

I'm guessing that by $\,Z_4\,$ you actually mean the Klein viergrupp

$$C_2\times C_2\cong \{(1)\,,\,(12)(34)\,,\,(13)(24)\,,\,(14)(23)\}$$

since the above one is the only normal subgroup of order $\,4\,$ of $\,S_4\,$ , but then, since the cyclic group of order $\,6\,$ is obviously abelian ,we get

$$S_4/Z_4\cong C_6\Longleftrightarrow S_4^{'}\leq Z_4$$

and this is false since $\,(123)\notin Z_4\,$ , but $\,(123)\in A_4=S_4^{'}\,$.

Thus, as the only other group of order $\,6\,$, up to isomorphism, is $\,S_3\,$ ,we get that $\,S_4/Z_4\cong S_3\,$