[Math] Running maximum for Geometric Brownian Motion

brownian motionstochastic-processes

Can anyone provide the expression and source for the running maximum $M_t$ for geometric Brownian motion $X_t$ as a function of the initial value $X_0$, drift $\mu$ and diffusion $\sigma$? $X_t$ evolves as

$X_t = X_0*exp[(\mu-\sigma^2/2)t + \sigma W_t] $

where $W_t$ is a Wiener process

Best Answer

  1. First of all, it will be easier to find the distribution of the running maximum of $\log X$ which in your notation will be $\log M$.
  2. Assume for a moment that $\log X$ has zero drift. Reflection principle then tells you that for any $a > \log X_0$ $$ P(\log M_t > a) = 2 P(\log X_t > a ).\tag{1} \label{1}$$ Similarly for $a<\log X_0$, with reversed inequalities in \eqref{1}. Now since $\log X_t$ is Gaussian, one can evaluate the rhs of \eqref{1}. This gives you CDF and after differentiation a PDF of $\log M_t$. This should be enough for your purposes.
  3. To deal with the non-zero drift, change measure, apply Girsanov to get zero drift, apply reflection principle as in 2. and change measure back. Alternatively search for "maximum of Brownian motion with drift".
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