[Math] Rulings of One Sheet Hyperboloid


Let $M$ be a hyperboloid of one sheet satisfying $x^2+y^2-z^2=1$. Show that $x(u,v)=(\frac{uv+1}{uv-1},\frac{u-v}{uv-1},\frac{u+v}{uv-1})$ gives a parametrization of $M$ where both sets of parameter curves are rulings.

I have been working on this for quite a while but have not been able to write $x(u,v)$ with the above parametrization as a ruled surface in $u$. I tried letting $u=\tan(\varphi)$ and $v=\tan(\psi)$ but it did not help.

Best Answer

HINTS: First you should check that the points given by the parametrization do in fact lie on the hyperboloid. Next, you want to see that the $u$- and $v$-curves are in fact lines. You need to do some algebraic manipulations with the rational functions (like "long division"). It will help to fix $v=v_0$, say.

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