Number Theory – How Euler’s Theorem is Used in RSA Cryptography

cryptographygroup-theorynumber theory

I'm trying to understand the working of RSA algorithm. I am getting confused in the decryption part.
I'm assuming

$$n = pq$$
$$m = \phi(n) = (p – 1)(q – 1)$$

E is the encryption key $\gcd(\phi(n), E) = 1$

D is the decryption key, and
$DE = 1 \mod \phi(n)$

$x$ is the plain text

Encryption works as ($y = x^E \mod n$) and decryption works as ($x = y^D \mod n$)

The explanation for why the decryption works is that since $DE = 1 + k\phi(n)$,

$$y^D = x^{ED} = x^{1 + k \phi(n)} = x(x^{\phi(n)})^k = x \mod n$$

The reason why last expression works is $x^{\phi(n)} = 1 \mod n$ ?
According to Eulers theorem this is true only if $x \text{ and }\phi(n)$ are coprimes. But $x$ is only restricted to be $0 < x < n$ and $\phi(n) < n$. So $x$ should be chosen to be coprime with $\phi(n)$?

Help me clear out the confusion!

Best Answer

Even if the plaintext $x$ is not pairwise coprime with $p$ or $q$, RSA still works as advertised. Here is why:

$p$ and $q$ are prime, so $x$ is a multiple of either $p$ or $q$, given the restriction that $x < pq$.

Assume that $x \equiv 0 \pmod p$. If it is congruent to $0$ mod $q$ the below still applies, just switch the name assigned to the two primes.

$x^k \equiv 0 \pmod p$ for all $k > 0$, i.e $x^k \equiv x \pmod p$.

$$ \begin{align*} x^{1+ z \phi(n)} & \equiv x^{1+ z \phi(p) \phi(q) } \\ &\equiv x^1 \cdot x^{\phi(q) \phi(p) z} \\ &\equiv x \pmod q \end{align*} $$

Combining both equations with the Chinese Remainder Theorem yields $x$, the plaintext.

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