[Math] Row reducing to find complex eigenvectors

complex numbersdiagonalizationeigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatrices

I am trying to find eigenvectors of the matrix
5 & 10 \\
-1 & -1 \\

I have solved the characteristic polynomial and obtained eigenvalues of $$\lambda = 2 \pm i$$

In the real-valued eigenvalue case, this is straightforward, since I can easily compute the nullspace of $A-\lambda I$. I suspect that a similar technique is required for complex eigenvalues, however I cannot seem to find a simple way to row-reduce and find the nullspace of
$$A-\lambda I =
3-i & 10 \\
-1 & -3-i \\

I know that eigenvectors will be complex conjugates of one another, so I am only computing the eigenvector corresponding to $2+i$.

Can anyone explain how to proceed?

Much thanks in advance.

Best Answer

By definition, this linear system has rank $1$, so you really have only one equation in two variables to solve, say $$x+(3+i)y=0,\quad\text{whence}\quad x=-(3+i)y.$$ One obtains at once by conjugation the two independent eigenvectors: $$\begin{pmatrix}3+i\\-1\end{pmatrix},\quad \begin{pmatrix}3-i\\-1\end{pmatrix}. $$

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