[Math] Row/Column operations of a parity check/generator matrix for a linear code


Given a linear code C with generator matrix G and parity matrix H. Would permuting rows and/or columns of these matricies produce a different linear code?
I am under the impression that the resulting linear code would be equivalent to the original linear code.
However when using Sage Maths, the set of codewords generated by the generator matrix seem to be different.
Could anyone explain what is going?

Best Answer

Some of this is going to depend on what definitions you are using. Hill, A First Course in Coding Theory, page 49, says a generator matrix for a linear code is a matrix whose rows form a basis for the code. With that definition, if you permute the rows of a generator matrix, you do not affect the code, but if you permute the columns then in general you will get a different code.

But you also use the word, "equivalent," in your question. Two codes can be different, but still be equivalent. Indeed, on the next page of Hill, Theorem 5.4 asserts that whether you permute the rows or the columns, you still get an equivalent code.