[Math] Round a set to the nearest values in another set (2D), faster algorithm with Matlab


Given a set of numbers, like


and another set of numbers, like


Is there a fast algorithm to round A to the nearest values in B?

result = {{1,3,3},

we can write a intuitive program with Matlab by calculating the distance of every element of A with all the values in B, and get the index of the number with "min" in Matlab, but is there a faster way to do this?

The current method relies on enumerating over every element in A, is there a method to enumerate row by row, or over the whole set at once?

Best Answer

If you have the data in the form of numeric arrays (that is, A is a matrix and B is a vector, as opposed to cell arrays as in your example), it can be done in one line, using interp1 with the 'nearest' and 'extrap' options. The former option specifies nearest-neighbour method of interpolation; the latter indicates that values may be outside the original range. See documentation for further details.

A = [1,2.5,3,
B = [1,2,3,4,5];

result = interp1(B,B,A,'nearest','extrap');