[Math] roulette with infinite money


Assumed I have infinite money and bet 10 on red or black and every time I lose I will double my bet until I win and then start again with 10 would I make profit?

I did a bit code for that:

Best Answer

Yes you would make a profit. Assume you always bet red and to make things minimally simpler let us say you always start with bet $1$ (not $10$) and double when you lost. Let us consider the run until the first red you hit. So there are $n$ black and then red.

First you loose $1 + 2 + 2^2 + \dots + 2^{n-1}$ then you win $2^n$. The former sum is $2^n- 1$. So not matter what happens in the end you win $1$, every time that red comes up.

(This answer assumes a $1/2$ red, $1/2$ black no zeros as rules there are not uniform but it does not change the ultimate outcome for the variants I know of.)