[Math] Rotational invariance of cross product

cross productrotations

I'm looking for a proof that $$ ( Ra \times Rb ) = R ( a \times b ) $$ where $\times$ is the three-dimensional cross product, and $R$ is a rotational matrix (such that $\det R = 1$ and $R^T R = I$).

I've already found a proof of it on planetmath, but I'm very new to using Levi-Civita etc. For example, I don't get why $$\epsilon^{imk} R_{ij} R_{mn} u^j v^n = \epsilon^{iml} \delta_{kl} R_{ij} R_{mn} u^j v^n$$

I'm either looking for a list of identities for the Levi-Civita Symbol which would help me understand this proof or someone who could explain the single steps to me because I'm really quite lost.

Best Answer

This is most easily proved without coordinates. The cross product is the unique vector that is orthogonal to both factors, has length given by the area of the parallelogram they form and forms a right-handed triple with them. These properties are all invariant under rotations, and thus so is the cross product.