[Math] Roots of unity

complex numberscomplex-analysis

The $n$th roots of unity are the complex numbers: $1,w,w^2,…,w^{n-1}$, where $w = e^{\frac{2\pi i} {n}}$. If $n$ is even:

  1. The $n$th roots are plus-minus paired, $w^{\frac{n}{2}+j} = -w^j$.

  2. Squaring them produces the $\frac{n}{2}$nd roots of of unity.

  1. Could someone explain the first statement? I understand why the $n$ roots are plus-minus paired (if $n$ is even), but what does the equation mean? An explanation of the equation will be appreciated.

  2. The statement states $w^0$ (or $1$) is a root of unity. Which root is it? Aside from the obvious fact that $1$ is a always a root of $1$, doesn't $w…w^{n-1}$ cover every root? What specific root is $w^0$ referring to?

Best Answer

Since $\omega=\exp\left(\frac{2\pi i}{n}\right)$, we have $\omega^{n/2}=\exp\left(\frac{2\pi i}{n}\frac{n}{2}\right)=\exp(\pi i)=-1$. This and the law $\omega^{a+b}=\omega^a\omega^b$ give the formula you ask about in your first question. In words: multiplying a complex number by $\omega$ rotates the vector in the complex plane corresponding to that number by $360^\circ/n$. Repeating $n$ times brings the vector back to its starting position; repeating only $n/2$ times rotates by $180^\circ$, which is the same as multiplying by $-1$.

As to your second question, when $n$ is odd, $\omega^0=1$ is the only real root; it's the root we already knew about before we learned about complex numbers; all other roots have an imaginary part. When $n$ is even, there are two real roots, $1$ and $-1=\omega^{n/2}$. Again, we knew both of these roots before we learned complex numbers. (E.g. the two real sixth roots of 1 are $1$ and $-1$.) All other roots have an imaginary part.