Legendre Polynomials – Finding Roots of Legendre Polynomial

legendre polynomialsorthogonal-polynomialsreal-analysisrootsspecial functions

I was wondering if the following properties of the Legendre polynomials are true in general. They hold for the first ten or fifteen polynomials.

  1. Are the roots always simple (i.e., multiplicity $1$)?

  2. Except for low-degree cases, the roots can't be calculated exactly, only approximated (unlike Chebyshev polynomials).

  3. Are roots of the entire family of Legendre Polynomials dense in the interval $[0,1]$ (i.e., it's not possible to find a subinterval, no matter how small, that doesn't contain at least one root of one polynomial)?

If anyone knows of an article/text that proves any of the above, please let me know. The definition of these polynomials can be found on Wikipedia.

Best Answer

To resolve the second question, note first that the Legendre polynomials are odd functions for odd order (0 then is one root of the polynomial), and even functions for even order. Thus, with regards to solubility in terms of radicals, you should be able to derive (possibly complicated!) radical expressions at least up until $P_9(x)$. To use that as an example, note that


is a quartic; thus, one can use the quartic formula to derive explicit expressions for its roots, and then you can easily derive the roots of $P_9(x)$ .

$P_{10}(x)$ is where your trouble starts. If we take a look at the polynomial


we have a quintic to contend with. I'll skip the relatively tedious details, but you can verify that its Galois group is not a solvable group, and thus the solution cannot be expressed in terms of radicals (you can use theta or hypergeometric functions, though).

So, not much hope in the symbolic front. In the numeric front, things are much easier. The slickest way of getting accurate values of the roots of the Legendre polynomial is to use the Jacobi matrix in my previous answer. Since there exist stable and efficient algorithms (e.g. QR algorithm or divide-and-conquer) for the symmetric eigenproblem (in LAPACK, for instance), and things can be set such that only eigenvalues are returned, you have a good way of generating good approximate values of Legendre polynomial roots. (In the context of Gaussian quadrature, where the roots of orthogonal polynomials play a pivotal role, the scheme is referred to as the Golub-Welsch algorithm.)

Alternatively, as I mentioned in the comments, there exist asymptotic approximations for the roots, which can then be subsequently polished with a few applications of Newton-Raphson. One such asymptotic approximation is due to Francesco Tricomi. Letting $\xi_{n,k}$ be the $k$-th root of $P_n(x)$, ordered in decreasing order, we have


and $O(n^{-4})$ and further terms are omitted. Other asymptotic approximations due to Luigi Gatteschi use roots of Bessel functions, but I won't say more about those.

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