[Math] Rolling a die and 99% chance of getting a 6


I am trying a question from Probability Theory by Rota and Baclawski. The question asks "How many times must one roll a die in order to have a 99% chance of rolling a 6".

Now my first attempt was to find this probability like this:

Let $R_n$ be the event that $n^{th}$ roll is a 6.

R_1 = S\\
R_2 = \overline{S}S \\
R_3 = \overline{S}\overline{S}S, etc.

Then the probability of rolling a 6 will be the sum of these probabilities, upto $n$. I did not take this to be an infinite sum.

P(\text{Roll a six}) = R_1 + R_2 + … + R_n \\
\implies 0.99 =R_1 + R_2 + … + R_n \\
\implies 0.99 = S(1 + \overline{S} + \overline{S^2} + … + \overline{S^n}) \\

I thought for a while and my second approach would be the concept of $independence$, because I could follow the path in the decision tree to get to $n$, whatever it might be.

In this approach,

P(\overline{R_1}\land\overline{R_2}\land\overline{R_3}\land…\land R_n) = P(\overline{R_1})P(\overline{R_2})…P(R_n) \\
\implies 0.99 = (\frac{5}{6}^{n-1}) . \frac{1}{6}

So my question is which of these (if any) would give me the correct answer?

Best Answer

Presumably, the question is asking about a 99% chance of rolling a 6 at some point in the $n$ rolls.

André's comment is the most straightforward approach. The complement of the event "rolling a 6 [at some point]" is "never rolling a 6," and it is much easier to compute this quantity.

You can complete your first approach to recover the same answer.

Let $p=1/6$ be the probability of rolling a $6$. With your first method, the geometric series can be rewritten as $$p(1+(1-p) + (1-p)^2 + \cdots + (1-p)^{n-1}) = p \frac{1-(1-p)^n}{1-(1-p)} = 1-(1-p)^n.$$

For this quantity to be $ \ge 0.99$, you need $(1-p)^n < 0.01$.

Your second approach is flawed: the probability you have computed is the probability that you roll a 6 exactly once and on a particular roll (e.g. the last roll).