[Math] Rock, Paper, Scissors Problem


Alice and Bob play Rock, Paper, Scissors until one or the other is 5 wins ahead. They generate their wins at random, so, in each round, the outcomes are equiprobably win, lose or draw.

After 10 rounds, Alice is 1 ahead.

After 13 rounds, one or the other is 1 ahead.

At round 20, one of them attains the 5 win lead and the game ends.

What is the probability that Alice is the ultimate winner?

This is my attempt at the solution:

After 10 rounds, Alice is 1 ahead. The possibilities are
$$\text{Alice wins 1, Bob wins 0, 9 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 2, Bob wins 1, 7 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 3, Bob wins 2, 5 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 4, Bob wins 3, 3 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 5, Bob wins 4, 1 draw}$$

After 13 rounds, one or the other is 1 ahead. The possibilities are
$$\text{Alice wins 1, Bob wins 0, 12 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 2, Bob wins 1, 10 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 1, Bob wins 2, 10 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 3, Bob wins 2, 8 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 2, Bob wins 3, 8 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 4, Bob wins 3, 6 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 3, Bob wins 4, 6 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 5, Bob wins 4, 4 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 4, Bob wins 5, 4 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 6, Bob wins 5, 2 draws}$$
$$\text{Alice wins 5, Bob wins 6, 2 draws}$$
At round 20, one of them attains the 5 win lead and the game ends. The possibilities are:
$$\text{Alice wins 5, Bob wins 0, 15 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 6, Bob wins 1, 13 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 1, Bob wins 6, 13 draws} – Lose$$
$$\text{Alice wins 7, Bob wins 2, 11 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 2, Bob wins 7, 11 draws} – Lose$$
$$\text{Alice wins 8, Bob wins 3, 9 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 3, Bob wins 8, 9 draws} – Lose$$
$$\text{Alice wins 9, Bob wins 4, 7 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 4, Bob wins 9, 7 draws} – Lose$$
$$\text{Alice wins 10, Bob wins 5, 5 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 5, Bob wins 10, 5 draws} – Lose$$
$$\text{Alice wins 11, Bob wins 6, 3 draws} – Win$$
$$\text{Alice wins 6, Bob wins 11, 3 draws} – Lose$$

As all outcomes occur with equal probability, my answer is

$$\mathbb{P}(\text{Alice wins})=\frac{7}{13}$$

Could someone confirm whether this is correct.

Best Answer

Not every outcome is equaly likely at the end.

We know that after 13 rounds, Alice or Bob has 1 win more than the other. However, we also know that after 10 rounds, Alice has 1 more win than Bob, so the probability that Alice has the lead after 13 rounds is different than the probaliity Bob has the lead after 13 rounds.

Furthermore, the probability for Bob to win after 20 rounds depends on whether Alice has the lead in round 13 or Bob has the lead in round 13, and the same holds for Alice.

So we must first find the probability that Alice wins given that Alice has the lead, and the probability that Alice wins given that Bob has the lead. By symmetry, we have \begin{align} \mathbb{P}(\text{A wins} \mid \text{B leads}) = 1 - \mathbb{P}( \text{B wins} \mid \text{B leads}) = 1 - \mathbb{P}(\text{A wins} \mid \text{A leads}). \end{align} We can interchange Alice and Bob, so we only have to compute one probability. The easiest one is $\mathbb{P}(\text{A wins} \mid \text{B leads})$. As Bob has one more win than Alice, Alice needs 6 wins more than Bob in 7 rounds, so Alice must win 5 games in 6 rounds and a draw, and win the last round. This can happen in 6 ways. However, we must also find out how many ways there are for the game to evolve for Bobs lead to victory for Alice or Bob in 7 rounds, so we must compute the number of ways Bob can win.
Bob must win the last round, and either there will be 3 wins and 3 draws in the 6 previous rounds, or 4 wins, 1 lose and 1 draw. In the first case, we have 20 ways of this happening. In the second case the lose must happen before the fourth win, so either the 19 round is a win for Bob or the 19 round is a draw and the 18 round is win. First case can happen in 20 ways and the second case can happen in 4 ways. As each way to end the game is equally likely, we find \begin{align} \mathbb{P}(\text{A wins} \mid \text{B leads}) = \frac{6}{6+20+20+4} = \frac{3}{25}. \end{align} In a similiar way you can find \begin{align} p = \mathbb{P}(\text{A leads in round 13} \mid \text{A leads in round 10}) \end{align} Than you combine those probabilities to find that the probability Alice wins is $\frac{163}{250}$.