Abstract Algebra – Rings with Elements Partitioned Between Units and Zero-Divisors


In $\mathbb{Z}_n$ the elements are fully partitioned between the units and the zero-divisors. I believe this is the case, am I correct?

Now, I take it this does not hold true in general, there may be rings with elements that are neither units nor zero divisors?

Best Answer

You're correct in this case, and more generally elements in Artinian rings are either units or are zero divisors. It's not hard to prove: basically you can show that if $x$ isn't a zero divisor, then then chain $xR\supseteq x^2R\supseteq\dots$ has to stabilize, whence there will be an $r$ such that $x^n=x^{n+1}r$. Rewriting that, you get $x^n(xr-1)=0$. If $x$ isn't a zero divisor, then the $x^n$ can be cancelled, resulting in $xr=1$, so that $x$ is a unit.

Any commutative domain which isn't a field has LOTS of nonunits which aren't zero divisors. So for example $\Bbb Z$ has two units $\{\pm1\}$, zero, and the rest of the elements are not zero divisors.