[Math] Right translation – left coset – orbits


We can remark that the left coset $gH$ of $g \in G$ relative to a subgroup $H$ of $G$ is the orbit of $g$ under the action of $H \subset G$ acting by right translation.

What is that right translation? and how can I prove that the orbit of $g$ under the action of $H \subset G$ acting by right translation is $gH$ ?

Best Answer

Right translation can equally be read as "right multiplication", except there is an implication of commutativity.

As to your second query, let the subgroup $H$ act on $G$ by right multiplication: $$h \cdot g = gh \qquad \forall g \in G \quad \forall h \in H$$ For any $g \in G$, the orbit $H \cdot g$ is the set $$\{ h \cdot g : h \in H \} = \{ gh: h \in H \} = gH.$$ Note that we didn't need the operation to be commutative here.