[Math] Riemannian metrics on homogeneous spaces


Let G be a Lie group and H be a compact subgroup. The (left) coset space G/H is, up to an isomorphism, equivalent to the smooth homogeneous manifold M. My question is, is it possible to impose an explicit Riemannian structure on this manifold by specifying G as an isometry group with corresponding isotropy group H? For example, consider the group SO(3). The coset space SO(3)/SO(2) is then isomorphic to the 2 sphere. If one specifies SO(3) as the group of isometries, is it possible to recover an explicit expression for the metric? Would this necessarily be the "traditional" metric inherited from embedding in Euclidean 3D space? Thanks

Best Answer

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group and $H$ a closed subgroup (not necessarily compact).

The set $\mathcal{X}_{G,H}$ of $G$-invariant Riemannian metrics on $G/H$ is in canonical bijection with the set of $H$-invariant scalar products on $\mathfrak{g}/\mathfrak{h}$ under the adjoint representation of $G$. If $H$ is compact, the latter is non-empty.


  1. If $H$ is trivial, $\mathcal{X}_{G,H}$ is thus quite big (a non-empty open cone in dimension $n(n+1)/2$ where $n=\dim(G)$). More generally, if $H$ is normal, this still holds (with $n=\dim(G/H)$).
  2. But there are cases where $\dim(G/H)>1$ and it's a half-line, i.e., the $G$-invariant Riemannian metric on $G/H$ is unique up to rescaling. This holds, in particular, when $G$ is a simple Lie group and $H$ is a maximal compact subgroup. It also holds when $G$ is the isometry group of some irreducible symmetric space of compact type, which includes the case of $\mathrm{SO}(3)/\mathrm{SO}(2)$.
  3. If $H$ is compact, then $\mathcal{X}_{G,H}$ is not empty.
  4. If $H$ is non-compact, then $\mathcal{X}_{G,H}$ can be non-empty (as when $H$ is normal, see above), or can be empty, for instance when $\dim(G)=2$ and $H$ is a non-normal 1-parameter subgroup.
  5. If $G=\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbf{R})$ (or more generally any simple Lie group) and $H$ is an arbitrary non-compact closed subgroup, then $\mathcal{X}_{G,H}$ is empty ($\star$).

($\star$): assume that $H$ is non-compact (so $G$ is non-compact) and that $G/H$ carries an invariant Riemannian metric. Since $H$ is non-compact, the action of $G$ on $G/H$ is non-proper. Hence it has bounded orbits (reference), so $G/H$ is compact. Since moreover it is Riemannian, it has finite volume and it follows that $H$ is a cocompact lattice; in particular it is Zariski-dense. Since the stabilizer of a Riemannian metric of $\mathfrak{g}/\mathfrak{h}=\mathfrak{g}$ is Zariski-closed, it follows that the metric on $\mathfrak{g}$ is $G$-invariant for the adjoint representation. Since $G$ is non-compact, there is no such metric (the set of invariant quadratic forms being 1-dimensional, generated by the Killing form) and we get a contradiction.

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