[Math] Riemann-Lebesgue Integrable


Show that there is no riemann integrable function $f$ on $[0,1]$ such that $f=\chi_{C}$ a.e. (almost everywhere), where $C$ is the fat cantor set.


Would it suffice to show that $\chi_C$ is not riemann integrable??? Or am I missing something? Any suggestions?


Let $x$ be an element of $C$ then since $C$ contains
no intervals if we define $C_n = (x-\frac{1}{n}, x+\frac{1}{n})$ then there exists some
$x_n$ in $C_n$ such that $x_n\neq x$ and $x_n\not\in C$. Then $\forall \delta>0,\exists n$ such that $\delta>\frac{1}{n}.$ So then $$\left|x_n-x\right|<\frac{1}{n}<\delta.$$ But, if we take $\epsilon=1/2$ we get $$|f(x_n)-f(x)|=1>\epsilon$$ so $f$ is discontinuous at every $x\in C$, thus it cannot be Riemann integrable.

Would this work??

Best Answer

A Riemann integrable function has the property that its set of discontinuities has Lebesgue measure zero. By contrast, the fat Cantor set is nowhere dense and of positive measure, so its indicator function has the property that in a neighborhood of every point of the fat Cantor set, the function takes on values of 1 and 0. In particular the fat Cantor set is contained in the set of discontinuities of $\chi_C$.

Changing the values on any measure zero subset will not change the size of the set of discontinuities in this case. This follows from the fact that, up to removing a set of measure zero, $C$ will still be contained in the discontinuities set (it matters that $C$ is nowhere dense for this part). To see this, let $f = \chi_C$ $a.e.$ and let $M$ be the Lebesgue measure zero set on which we have changed the value of the function. Take $x \in C\cap M^c$ and observe that since $C$ is nowhere dense and since $M$ cannot contain an interval, there is a point of $C^c\cap M^c$ in any neighborhood of $x$ and so $x$ is a discontinuity point of $f$. But $\mu(C \cap M^c) = \mu(C)$ so $f$ cannot be Riemann integrable.