[Math] Reversing the process of taking the “sine of an arbitrary shape”

periodic functions

I'm sure we've all seen images such as the following, from wikipedia: link. They give us some nice intuition on what the sine and cosine functions are. Some people may also have seen images such as this one, or even this one, where instead of a circle, we take the 'sine of an arbitrary shape,' hence the title of this question. I'll say that the shape generates a periodic function in this way.

I now have a couple questions:

  1. Given a periodic function, is there always a shape that generates that function as in the second image (with the period adjusted as necessary, of course)?
  2. Are such shapes necessarily unique for a given periodic function (provided they exist)?
  3. In particular, what are the shapes (if any) that generate triangle, square, and sawtooth waves?

Also, if this is something that has been studied in detail, please enlighten me as to the terminology that people might use in this context.

Best Answer

Given a periodic function $f(x)$ with period $2\pi$ and $f(0)=0$, there is polar function $$g(\theta) = f(\theta)/\sin(\theta)$$ that defines the shape. Note that this does not give you the values at $\theta\in\{0,\pi\}$; this is where you have to take a limit. If $f(\pi)\ne 0$ that might be difficult...

Shapes are thus unique, but if you have more than one place where $f(x)=0$, you can shift $f$ horizontally to get a different shape.

I can't do the others in my head, but the square wave is $g(\theta)=\left|\csc{\theta}\right|$, two horizontal lines.

EDIT here's the one for a triangle wave of maximum displacement $\pi/2$. Not exactly sure what function the curves follow.

EDIT 2 The sawtooth one, going from $-\pi/2$ to $\pi/2$, looks just like the triangle wave but it's only the right lobe, which gets drawn twice.

enter image description here