[Math] Residue of $\frac{1}{\cos z}$ at $z=\pi/2$


What is the residue of $$\frac{1}{\cos z}$$ at $z=\pi/2$? Given that $$\cos z=\prod_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}(z-z_k)=(z-\pi/2)(z+\pi/2)(z^2-(3\pi/2)^2)(z^2-(5\pi/2)^2)\cdots,$$ the point $z=\pi/2$ is a simple pole (order $n=1$) and so usning the definition of residue $$\mathrm{Res}\{f(z),z=w\}=\lim_{z\to w}\frac{1}{(n-1)!}\frac{d^{n-1}}{dz^{n-1}}[(z-w)^nf(z)]$$ I find
$$\mathrm{Res}\{\frac{1}{\cos z},z=\pi/2\}=\lim_{z\to \pi/2}[(z-\pi/2)\frac{1}{\cos z}]=$$$$=\lim_{z\to \pi/2}\frac{1}{(z+\pi/2)(z^2-(3\pi/2)^2)(z^2-(5\pi/2)^2)\cdots}=$$
$$=\lim_{z\to \pi/2}\frac{1}{z+\pi/2}\prod_{k>0}\frac{1}{z^2-\frac{\pi^2}{4}(2k+1)^2}=$$
WolframAlpha find $-1$ for the residue, but if I ask it to calculate the product i found it turn out that $$\prod_{k>0}\frac{1}{k^2+k}=0.$$ Where is my error?

Best Answer

With $g(z)=\cos z$ we have

$ \frac{\cos z}{z- \frac{\pi}{2}}=\frac{\cos z- \cos(\frac{\pi}{2})}{z- \frac{\pi}{2}}- \to g'(\frac{\pi}{2})=-1 $ for $z \to \pi /2$


$ \frac{z- \frac{\pi}{2}}{\cos z} \to -1$ for $z \to \pi /2$

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