[Math] Representation of dot product of a vector


I understand there is a post on this already. But it doesn't answer my question.

I took two random vectors , $(2,3), (3,1)$. sketched them.

Their dot product is $9 = (2 \times 3 + 3 \times 1)$

What does this number mean?, now apparently its the projection of one vector on another, that makes sense when i think of two vectors pointing in the same direction as they are superimposed you would expect the answer to be the magnitude squared of the vector (by pythag).

I understand vector projection and the formula that is used to determine what component of a vector is pointing in the direction of the another. That is not my question. My question is what is 9 in this case, I had a look on wikipedia and it explains it in terms of $a . b = |a|\cdot|b|\cdot\cos\theta $.

I can derive this fine. But don't understand what it MEANS.

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, I was unsure whether someone would reply to a comment after a sustained period of time.

Best Answer

Write $a \cdot b = ( |a|) ( |b| \cos \theta)$

Then consider enter image description here

The projection of B onto A is of length $|b| \cos \theta$, it is the portion of the green line up to the dotted line perpendicular to it (or I suppose beyond it). Then the dot product is the just magnitude of these two vectors, $a$ and $b\cos \theta$, multiplied.

Note: I have interchanged $a$ and $A$, $b$ and $B$ due to the diagram and your question.

Have a look in the preview of this book, Section 1.2 has a good explanation of the dot product:


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