[Math] Repertoire method for solving recursions

functionslinear algebrarecurrence-relationsrecursionrecursive algorithms

I am trying to solve this four parameter recurrence from exercise 1.16 in Concrete Mathematics:

\[ g(1)=\alpha \]
\[ g(2n+j)=3g(n)+\gamma n+\beta_j \]
\[ \mbox{for}\ j=0,1\ \mbox{and}\ n\geq1 \]

I have assumed the closed form to be:

$$g(n) = A(n)\alpha+B(n)\gamma+C(n)\beta_0+D(n)\beta_1$$
Next i plugged $g(n)=1$ in the recurrence equations from which I obtained $\alpha=0 ,\beta_0=-2,\beta_1=-2$ and $\gamma=0$

Substituting these values back into the closed form, I got:


Similarly plugging $g(n)=n$, I got $\alpha=1,\beta_0=0,\beta_1=1$ and $\gamma=-1$ and plugging this back into the closed form, we get:

$$A(n)-B(n)+D(n) = n$$

Also, from the text in chapter 1, a recursion of general form

$$f(dn+j) = cf(n)+\beta_j$$
has a radix representation of
$$f((b_mb_{m-1}…b_1b_0)_d) = (\alpha_{b_m}\beta_{b_m-1}…\beta_{b_1}\beta_{b_0})_c$$

Applying the generalization to the current problem we have

$$A(n)\alpha+C(n)\beta_0+D(n)\beta_1=(\alpha\beta_{b_m-1}…\beta_{b_1}\beta_{b_0})_3$$ where $n=(1b_{m-1}…b_1b_0)_2$

I am unable to see how to proceed further from here. Any help will be appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

Other answers build a summation and it isn't necessary. Here is a solution exclusively using the repertoire method and in the same spirit as 1.18 in the book

Let $$g(n)=A(n)α+B(n)γ+C(n)β_0+D(n)β_1 $$

Recall that $(\alpha, \gamma, \beta_0, \beta_1) \to (\alpha, 0, \beta_0, \beta_1)$ for $n = (b_mb_{m−1}...b_1b_0)_2$ is the radix changing solution $$A(n)α+C(n)β_0+D(n)β_1=(αβ_{b_{m−1}}...β_{b_1}β_{b_0})_3 \tag{1}$$

Let $(\alpha, \gamma, \beta_0, \beta_1) \to (0, 0, 0, 1)$. Then $$D(n) = (β_{b_{m−1}}...β_{b_1}β_{b_0})_3 = (b_{m−1}...b_1b_0)_3 \tag{2}$$

Think of $\beta_0 = 0$ and $\beta_1= 1$ as a function from radix-2 to radix-3, changing every power and preserving the coefficients.

Let $(\alpha, \gamma, \beta_0, \beta_1) \to (1, 0, 0, 0)$. Then $$ A(n) = (100...0)_3 = 3^m \tag{3}$$

Given the identity derived from $g(n)=n$, we can solve $$ A(n)−B(n)+D(n)=n$$ for $\gamma B(n)$. Thus plugging $$ \gamma B(n) = \gamma A(n) + \gamma D(n) - \gamma n$$ into (1), $$ A(n)α+ \gamma B(n)+ C(n)β_0+D(n)β_1=(αβ_{b_{m−1}}...β_{b_1}β_{b_0})_3 + \gamma A(n) + \gamma D(n) - \gamma n $$

Finally, for $n = (b_mb_{m−1}...b_1b_0)_2$, we can plug in (3) and (2), $$ g(n) = (αβ_{b_{m−1}}...β_{b_1}β_{b_0})_3 + \gamma(1b_{m−1}...b_1b_0)_3 - \gamma (b_mb_{m−1}...b_1b_0)_2 $$