[Math] Remember trig identities like $\cos(\pi/3) = 1/2$


I have started doing complex analysis and I keep having to switch between rectangular co-ordinates and polar form and I keep running into stuff like – $\cos(\pi/3) = 1/2$.
I keep having to look these up. Am I expected to memorize these or what, its getting to be a serious pain having to keep looking them up. Do people generally just memorize these identities for complex analysis?

Best Answer

30-60-90 right triangle (Image from Wikipedia Commons)

Check this picture out! Using the Pythagorean Theorem, you can find the length of the dotted line yourself, so finding $\sin(60)$ and $\sin(30)$ will never be more than a triangle away.

By drawing a 45-45-90 triangle, you can easily get $\sin(45)$ yourself too.

Don't worry about the memorization part: after using these enough, trust me, you won't have to look them up!

(Oh, and if the need arises, you can also get $\sin(15)$ and $\sin(75)$ yourself with the addition formulas. But I've never really used these or even bothered to try to memorize them.)